1.1 the one with the beginning

Welcome to the Lexton legacy, where the goal is to be kooky. This is about the 80th legacy I’ve tried, but this time I’m gonna actually try writing well and making it, y’know, entertaining. Because I never got far into my previous legacies, I’m still basically a noob at the Sims 3 – I may have every expansion pack but there’s a ton I don’t know. (Yes, I’ve invested over a hundred dollars in this game. I know.)

This is Amaranthe Lexton (I know, weird name). She’s an absolute menace with the traits daredevil, evil, inappropriate, loser and evil. Her LTW is the emperor of evil.

She lives in a modest little, uh, shithole.

The other side.

Boyd: So, you like science?

Amy: Yeah, I like nuclear science a lot. You get to blow things up. Not like people or anything, not at all.

Jared Frio talks about the weather. (Get it, cos frio means cold…)

Amy: I caught a bug. I’m going to make it into jam.

Next, Amy gets a job. She’s working on her LTW so she joined the criminal career.

Her dreams are about how much she hates having dirty dishes scattered all over her lot – I’m sorry!

She works out at the gym, where she finds no eligible men.

Then she jogs outside her house for a couple hours because she needs good athletic skill to advance in her career.

She invites over Jared! They hit it off pretty decently at first.

Amy: You sure are a meal.

Jared: Why thank you.

Then I left them on autonomous, which was a mistake, because Jared instantly started fighting with her.

Amy: Your head is full of nothing!

What a piece of trash indeed.

The next day is leisure day, so she invites over Nick Alto. I’m not sure I want his genes in my legacy, not to mention he’s married and her boss.

Amy: So we’re stealing the diamonds tomorrow, right?

It goes well but she doesn’t try flirting with him, being her boss and all. Oh, yeah, and married, not that that would stop an evil sim like Amaranthe.

Next she has Arthur over. No idea where she picked this guy up. (Can you tell I’m looking for a spouse?)

After some successful flirting she goes for it. And my camera apparently missed his rejection. He left immediately.

The next day at work she’s doing a side job when she gets picked up by the police! A first for me.

She’s shoved in jail overnight, and as I want to scream at my computer she loses job performance from “missing work”. Hello, she’s in jail?

I moved in this man, Arthur Newton. I’m hoping that he’ll be compatible with Amy as a possible legacy spouse.

Arthur isn’t completely useless. While he doesn’t have a job yet, he is athletic and skills rather quickly.

Since we have two sims that use the athletic skill, I invested some of our hard-earned money in a treadmill. Ignore my excellent photography on this one.

Amy: What say we have a few drinks together?

Arthur: I miss my phone…

In a flurry of musical notes, Amy kissed him (or did he kiss her? (accidentally typed kill instead of kiss…. that would’ve been a yikes moment)).

And then they went to bed.

In the large empty room that for some reason exists (it was supposed to have the bed in it but I am tired of routing errors during sex), Amy asked him out. And he said yes!

Their relationship must not have been high enough though, because he said no when she proposed. We’ll get ’em next time.

She then rolled this wish…?

The only thing she has to do for fun.

We got him a bookshelf for the logic skill since he’s just joined the medical career.

And finally, after much suspense, Amaranthe reveals that she’s pregnant!

With that said, the first chapter will end. I’m not going to add more to it even though I want to because this is meant to be smaller than future chapters. It’s meant to ease you into the Lextons. 😀

We currently have 1 point, for our very own founder. We’re closing in on a second point, though, with the first of the heirs to be born in the next chapter.

Published by nuadan

sims enthusiast. I play 3 and 4 regularly. I like cats.

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